So what are you covering?
A little bit of everything:
- Fundamentals of Geometry, Geography, and Raster types
- Creating geometries from scratch
- Spatializing non-spatial data
- Loading spatial data using shp2pgsql, raster2pgsql, and ogr_fdw
- Geocoding with tiger geocoder
- Some common queries used to answer questions of a spatial nature
- A splash of pgRouting
How are those books coming?
As some may know or not, we've been very busy with work and also book writing. So sadly not much time to blog. We've got two books in the oven,
pgRouting: A practical Guide which will introduce you to using the power of pgRouting, PostgreSQL, and PostGIS
for road routing, drive distance analysis, and vehicle scheduling. A big thank you to Vicky Vergara and pgRouting Team.
Vicky's been doing the latest pgRouting releases and helping out with questions we had about algorithms in book, what's changing, and what's going to change in future. She's an amazing person.
We just finished our last bit of edits on pgRouting: A Practical Guide. Now on to readying it for final print.
The second book PostgreSQL: Up and Running (3rd edition) mostly focusses on PostgresQL 9.5 and 9.6. We have about 2 more chapters left on that before we are done. This one will be a bit larger than 2nd edition. Probably close to 300 pages.
Both books are available for sale now. The pgRouting book will double in price on release, so you may want to buy now to lock in the lower price.