We apologize for this short-notice. If you happen to be in the Cambridge / Boston area this week, are a big FOSS4G, Web Mapping, or overall GIS fan, you won't want to miss this event happening Friday and Saturday May 6th-7th at Harvard.
Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground
Harvard in cooperation with CGA are holding a conference this year May 6th-7th, 2011. Registration is Free and you can register at
Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground Conference Registration.
There are lots of exciting sessions lined up. Chris Holmes of OpenGeo will be giving the Keynote address.
Lots of sessions lined up on a wide array of GIS topics. A flavor of topics to give you a sense of what is in store:
- Community-based mapping
- Examples of OpenStreetMap use
- Land Managment
- GeoDjango, MongoDB, and Solr in one breath
- Open Access to Web Mapping Services
- Opengeoportal
- GIS at MIT
- Open Geo Sofware
- Mashable Boston
- Using Balloons in GIS
Check the event schedule for more details. Event Schedule
PostGIS in Action book sale at Registration Booth
We'll be selling some copies of our book at the registration counter. We'll be selling it for a little less than Amazon or Manning. You may even be able to see us in person, and if you want us to dirty your book with our signature, we'd be happy too. Well Regina will be happy too, Leo still has to overcome his hangup of defacing books with ink.